
¿Han tocado fondo las bolsas?

Escrito el 16 abril 2009 por en Economía de EEUU

The chart compares Standard and Poors (S&P 500) earnings performance during the current economic recession (solid red line) to that of the last recession (dashed green line) and the average recession from 1936-2006 (dashed blue line). As today’s chart illustrates, the current decline in earnings is several orders of magnitude greater than the average decline during a recession. The current decline is also more severe than what was the most severe earnings decline on record – the decline that began in 2001 (green dashed line).

Source – Standard & Poor’s

¿Ha tocado fondo el Standard and Poors (S&P)?

Fuente http://www.chartoftheday.com/20090409.htm


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