
Energy System Transition

Escrito el 20 julio 2008 por Javier Carrillo en Energía, medio ambiente y cambio climático

During the last few months I’ve been collaborating with VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland in a research project regarding this interesting topic, entitled “Governance and Research of Nordic Energy System Transition (GoReNEST)”. This research is funded by Nordic Energy Reseach, a joint initiative of Nordic governments.

The GoReNEST project develops an analytical framework for the governance of Nordic energy transition and applies the framework for the analysis of the role of various research and policy instruments in supporting the energy transition. Recent advances in RD&D governance and funding models are explored in order to find fruitful ways to support coordination and governance of the energy transition processes. A small-scale pilot stakeholder process is carried out to demonstrate the framework and its application.

The results of the study are intended to support Nordic actors’ proactive participation in the transition towards more sustainable energy systems, including active development and adoption of new sustainable energy technologies and services in the Nordic countries, facilitation of the transition towards more sustainable energy systems also in other parts of the world (e.g. in new economies and developing countries), and active utilisation of new business opportunities provided by the global energy transition.

Altogether, the aim of the study is:

• to develop an analytical framework for the Nordic governance of energy system transition
• to analyse Nordic research in support of the governance of energy system transition
• to explore governance and funding models and practices for energy system transition
• to increase the awareness of energy transition perspectives
• to support and engage Nordic actors to take advantage of emerging energy and climate related opportunities as well as to participate proactively in the implementation of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan for Europe and other international climate and energy initiatives
• to provide recommendations for the development of Nordic governance of energy system transition.

The analytic work of the project is based on relevant literature and empirical findings. The results will be reported in two public discussion papers, followed by a final report that integrates the findings. The project started in October 2007 and is running until the end of September 2008. The first discussion paper will be presented in September at the DIME International Conference “Innovation, sustainability and policy”. I hope you find this reading interesting.


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